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OEB Plus PLU46

Leadership for ALL

Date Thursday, Dec 7 Time   –   RoomKnight

Somehow, over the past decades leadership development became elitist and expensive. It got confused with a job position. At its core though, leadership is a social process. It is about how we get things done together. In order to overcome challenges we face as an individual, as part of a team, within an institution or a workplace, leadership is always part of the answer. So how can we scale up leadership development and reach everyone, working together on a common goal? How can we scale it up from the happy few to billions? Technology brings us unprecedented possibilities to do just this. The outcome of this inspiring session will offer you new ideas and concrete tools, to bring leadership development to ALL.

OEB speaker Bert De Coutere

Bert De Coutere

IP & Innovation Lead, Center for Creative Leadership, Belgium