Panel Presentation Session IMP65
Strategies for the Incorporation of Open Education
Date Friday, Dec 8 Time – RoomPotsdam 1
There are a wide range of open approaches and movements to “open up” education including OER and OEP, open access, open learning design, open technologies, open policies and more.
Is your institution committed to expand its reach? If you are looking to meet the needs of learners anytime, anywhere then there is no time like the present to share knowledge on OE implementation strategies.
Ada Pellert
Rektorin, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Ada Pellert ist seit März 2016 Rektorin der FernUniversität. Die Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin hat zuvor bereits in verschiedenen Positionen zu den Themen Fernstudium und E-Learning gearbeitet. Auch als Hochschulmanagerin konnte sie in verschiedenen Funktionen ihre Erfahrungen zugleich wissenschaftlich auswerten.
Ada Pellert (Jahrgang 1962) war von 2009 bis 2015 Gründungspräsidentin der Deutschen Universität für Weiterbildung in Berlin und gleichzeitig Professorin für Organisationsentwicklung und Bildungsmanagement. Zudem war sie von 2011 bis Februar 2016 Präsidentin der Carl Benz Academy in Peking. Zuvor war Ada Pellert von 2005 bis 2008 Universitätsprofessorin für Weiterbildungsforschung und Bildungsmanagement sowie Vizerektorin für Lehre, Weiterbildung und Strukturfragen an der Donau-Universität Krems. Als Außerordentliche Universitätsprofessorin arbeitete sie von 1998 bis 2005 an der Abteilung Hochschulforschung der Fakultät für Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Fortbildung der Universität Klagenfurt. Von 1999 bis 2003 war sie Vizerektorin der Universität Graz für Lehre, Personalentwicklung und Frauenförderung. Seit den 1990er Jahren ist sie in der international vergleichenden Bildungs- und Hochschulforschung, der Weiterbildung von Hochschullehrenden sowie der Beratung von Hochschuleinrichtungen national und international tätig. Promoviert zur Doktorin der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften hatte Ada Pellert 1987 an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien.
Zu ihren Forschungsschwerpunkten gehören insbesondere Bildungs- und Hochschulmanagement, Personalentwicklung und Organisationsentwicklung. Die Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin beschäftigt sich zudem mit Internationaler Hochschul- und Weiterbildungsforschung, dem Gender- und Diversity-Management sowie mit dem Lebenslangen Lernen.
Seit September 2016 ist Ada Pellert Vorsitzende der neu gegründeten Kooperationsplattform „Digitale Hochschule NRW“ (DH-NRW) für Projekte zur Digitalisierung an Hochschulen.
Larry Cooperman
Associate Dean for Open Education, University of California, Irvine, USA
Larry Cooperman, M.A.Ed., is the Associate Dean for Open Education at the University of California, Irvine. He is a former president of the Open Education Consortium, which comprises 300 universities, colleges, educational institutions and associated organizations. Since 2011, he has served on the board of directors of the African Virtual University, whose degree tracks in secondary math and science education and computer science are delivered in partnership with 35 universities across Africa. In partnership with the Chemistry Department at UCI, Cooperman developed the OpenChem project. Today, this project is working in collaboration with the three public university systems in California to make OpenChem available to students and faculty throughout the state and the world.
He is a frequent keynote speaker at international conferences on the future of higher education and distance and open education, including invited talks at TedX Medellin (2011), SXSW.EDU (2012), the Brazilian Association for Distance Education (ABED) (2013), the Asahi Shinbum conference of the future of higher education (2014), and at two European MOOC conferences (HOME 2014, EMMA/JTEL 2015). His most recent article, “Massive, online, open communities: Toward building an informal, peer-learning sector in Sub-Saharan Africa,” appears in the conference proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the African Virtual University.
Myron Cizdyn
President, eLearning Journeys, Poland
Myron Cizdyn is Founder of the eLearning Journeys Initiative, which seeks to advance eLearning in Europe and beyond; energize institutional, educational and business thought leaders to support and promote eLearning; and project standards-based educational values throughout all segments of society. The goal of eLJ is to implement programs in instructional design to encourage entrepreneurial initiatives in tool and curriculum development; and to explore the benefits of standards-based learning in all segments.
eLearning Journeys holds a conference in Rzeszow once a year in the autumn, as well as continuing initiatives throughout Poland and beyond with its educational and industry partnerships.
He is also the President of The BLPS Group, which created the Gateway2Achieve learning platform, and has 27 years of experience in religious and educational publishing in the USA, Vatican, and Europe. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the SIIA's Educational Technology Industry Network.
Christian Friedrich
Learning Designer, Leuphana Digital School, Germany
Christian is a founding team member of Leuphana Digital School. He works with faculty and staff at Leuphana University to encourage open teaching and learning practices. Besides his involvement at other universities, he was involved in the design and the implementation open and connected learning formats at Leuphana Digital School.
Christian also works as a consultant to enhance and facilitate the use of technology in educational institutions and other larger organizations. He is a proud Virtually Connecting buddy and he records "Feierabendbier Open Education", a German podcast on Open Education.
Get in touch with Christian via his website or twitter.