Interactive Breakout Session ENG73
Immersive Virtual and Augmented Reality for Education
Date Friday, Dec 8 Time – RoomCharlottenburg 3
VR and AR headsets have already entered the homes of learners and educators. Find out about their real-world impact on education in this session.
Thierry Koscielniak
EdTech Policy Officer, Université Paris Descartes, France
Immersive Learning: the Near Future of Teachers and Students
Thierry Koscielniak is Vice Chief Digital Officer at @LeCnam Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris, France.
As a member of the @CnamD2N National Digital Office he plays a role in strategic planning and policy development for information system and digital services. He is in charge of an E-portfolio project for lifelong learning #LLL.
His present field of pedagogical research is using #VR virtual reality for immersive learning. He cooperates in a project using #360 interactive photospheres and videospheres called #DS4Tox Digital Seed for Toxicology between National University of Singapore @NUSingapore and Paris Descartes University @UParisDescartes.
He is also board officer of @CSIESR and @EUNIS_IT, French and European associations of IT / T&L professionals in higher education ; member of #EDU17fr French delegation at @EDUCAUSE annual conference
Thierry completed his PhD in computational chemistry and molecular design at Pierre et Marie Curie University in Paris.
Paloma Díaz
Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
When Immersion Met the Classroom: Affordable Immersive Technologies and their Learning Affordances
Prof. Dr. Paloma Díaz is Full Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. With a Degree and PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, she is involved in interdisciplinary research at the Interactive Systems research group (DEI LAB, the Institute of Culture and Technology and the Mixed Institute UC3M-BS of Financial Big Data. Since 1996 she leads the DEI LAB research group that is focused on the design and development of interactive systems, data visualizations and collaborative systems applied to different domains, including learning and simulation, crisis informatics and digital cultural heritage.
Dr. Díaz has led national and international research projects about the application of interactive technologies for the design practice, the use of ICT for learning and training, crisis management, civic participation or the operation of electrical smart grids. Her last projects are related with smart spaces for informal learning and civic engagement and the use of affordable virtual and augmented reality in different settings. She has more than 150 publications related with her research interests.