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Tech Lab ACC32

Tech LAB: Collaborative OpenCourseWare Authoring

Date Thursday, Dec 7 Time   –   RoomSchinkel

The SlideWiki platform offers an open and free environment for collaborative authoring of OpenCourseWare (OCW). Similarly to Wikipedia for encyclopaedic content, SlideWiki allows the user collaboratively to create comprehensive OCW (curricula, slide presentations, self-assessment tests, illustrations etc.) online in a crowdsourcing manner. Join this Tech Lab for an overview of the range of technologies that can be employed to deliver OCW via multiple educational platforms; insights into best practice for designing OCW; and the opportunity to develop your skills to produce and share multi-lingual OCW with the community.

Seats for this session are limited. If you would like to participate, please make sure to sign up for it via MyOEB, the Conference app, after Wednesday, December 6. Please bring your own device to participate in this Tech Lab.

OEB speaker Alexander Mikroyannidis

Alexander Mikroyannidis

Research Associate, The Open University, UK