David Schlumpf
Global Head Learning & Leadership Development, Bank Julius Bär, Switzerland
David Schlumpf, Ph.D. in Economics & Finance, Global Head L&D of Bank Julius Baer (Zurich)
In my current position, I assume global responsibility for the learning & leadership development department at Bank Julius Baer, that we also call the ‘JB Academy’. Julius Baer is a leading Swiss Private Banking Group, with focus on servicing and advising sophisticated private clients from around the world.
I have over 20 years experience in the financial industry and have worked for a Swiss fintech start-up, a multinational financial service company and a private bank. I joined Human Resources only in mid 2017. In previous years, I worked in business in various positions, either in investment research, financial product development, managing big front projects or relationship management.
I obtained my Master in Business administration from the University of Basel and earned my PhD in Economics & Finance from the University of St. Gallen (HSG).