Spotlight Stage SPL151
Is There Space for Learning in the Workplace? - With Steve Wheeler
Date Thursday, Nov 28 Time – RoomPotsdam III
In this talk we will explore the issues and challenges of learning within the workplace. What are the benefits and limitations? How can we achieve direct learning transfer, while maintaining a healthy work/life balance? We will explore micro-learning, personal and personalised learning as current methods and will discuss some key case studies about how large organisations successfully support and promote L&D. We will also examine the role new technology can play in promoting effective L&D and critically evaluate practices that are rooted in traditional learning/training environments.
Steve Wheeler
Learning Innovations Consultant, UK
Steve Wheeler is a Learning Innovations Consultant and former Associate Professor of Learning Technologies at the Plymouth Institute of Education where he chaired the Learning Futures group and led the Computing and Science education teams.
He continues to research into technology supported learning and distance education, with particular emphasis on the pedagogy underlying the use of social media and Web 2.0 technologies, and also has research interests in mobile learning and cybercultures.
He has given keynotes to audiences in more than 35 countries and is author of over 150 scholarly articles, with more than 7000 academic citations.
An active and prolific edublogger, his blog Learning with ‘e’s is a regular online commentary on the social and cultural impact of disruptive technologies, and the application of digital media in education, learning and development. In the last few years it has attracted in excess of 8 million unique visitors.