Panel Presentation ENG163
The Name of the Game: Engagement
Date Thursday, Nov 28 Time – RoomQueen
Greater engagement takes centre stage in this second part of a session, which shares examples of gamification and best practices for serious-game design for learners from each sector (schools, higher education, and workplaces).
Marina Encheva
Chief Assistant Professor, University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Bulgaria
How Games Can Design Our Capacity to Be Active Citizens: The (Almost) Hidden Role of Information Literacy
Marina Encheva was awarded a PhD degree in Information Retrieval Systems from Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’ in 2006. Her doctoral thesis is entitled ‘Adaptability of the Models for Distance Learning in Library and Information Sciences through the Internet’. Dr. Encheva was a part-time Assistant Professor at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (2007-2010). Since 2010, she has been a full-time Assistant Professor at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT), giving lectures and seminars in E-learning; Electronic Resources and Metadata; Information Market; Business Information Systems; Information Analysis, etc.
Her research interests are in the field of: Technology-enhanced Learning; Information and Digital Literacy; Game-based Learning; Project Management; Library Education.
Dr. Encheva is an author of a monograph (Game-based Approaches in Information Literacy Training, 2018), 2 textbooks (Automated Information Systems and Information Brokering, 2014) and of more than 50 scientific articles. Encheva has experience as a librarian at the Centre for Advanced Study in Sofia and as an expert at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria.
She has been working on a number of projects funded by the EU (as a manager and a team member) amongst which: 'Information Literacy: a Game-based Learning Approach for Avoiding Fake Content' (2017-onward), 'Distance learning in Library and Information Sciences and Print Communications' (2012-2014), ‘Introduction of electronic management of administrative and information services in recognition of higher education diplomas’ (2009-2011), etc.
Since 2004 Marina Encheva is a member of the European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) and since 2018 - a member of the Executive Committee of the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA).
Herman van der Merwe
Executive Dean, North-West University, South Africa
Prof Herman van der Merwe calls himself a “recycled Geneticist”, but his previous Vice-Chancellor renamed him “e-Man” to capture his fascination for the use and management of technology in education!
Prof Herman is currently Deputy Dean of the Faculty Economic and Management Sciences at the North-West University, responsible for Teaching and Learning across all three campuses of the NWU.
He is also the CEO of an expert centre called CUTE (Centre for the Utilisation of Technology in Education).
Besides his recognised international experience on the utilisation and management of technology in education, Prof Herman also serves on various national and international workgroups that are engaged in researching the field. He has a keen interest in the manner in which technology can enhance the teaching and learning experience of both lecturers and students, and has read and published several papers, nationally and internationally, on this topic. As chairman and CEO of CUTE, he organises and presents workshops and conferences to promote the empowerment of academic staff, actively.
Prof Herman’s current research focus is more on mobile and handheld devices, open-source software (Android for the mobile platform), social networks and the effective use of that in specifically higher education and everyday life.
He acted as co-chairperson of the mLearn 2005 and 2015 conferences and is a founder member and one of the directors of the International Association for Mobile Learning (IAmLearn) and chairperson of the SABS’s[1] SC71N subcommittee in IT, developing SA standards for IT in e-education.
The Technology Enhanced Learning research niche area (TELIT), Serious Games Institute (SGI-SA), AppFactory and a community of practise in innovative teaching and learning with technology (iTLT) support his research initiatives and the empowerment initiatives of staff and students in a creative environment.
As a true Entrepreneur at heart, he stimulates entrepreneurship on Campus in the bhive Enterprise Development Centre as well as locally in a Faculty supported research entity on Local Economic Development. In 2015 the North-West University recognised his contribution to innovation with an “Innovation Evangelist” award.
He is a keen nature lover and to recharge his batteries he will do something in nature to listen to what the wind and the birds want to share with him.
“As a teacher, researcher, policy advocate, manager and leader, he is a visionary leader whose fascination with technology has been informed by his commitment to serving the highest ideals of people and education.” Prof Reggie Ncobo
[1] South African Bureau of Standards