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Panel Discussion EDT128

How Will Emerging Technologies Influence Personalisation, Efficiency, Costs, Ethics and Trust in Online, Open and Distance Education?

Date Thursday, Nov 28 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

This panel recognises the costs and the benefits of using emerging technologies to deliver high- quality, data-driven, personalised educational experiences. The members will discuss pressing questions relevant to higher education institutions, educators, learners and ethicists alike. If big data, blockchain, AI are on top of your agenda as well, then be sure to join the conversation. We will look at emergent technologies and their roles in the educational experience; the educators' ethical responsibilities in applications of ICTs; geo-political trends of ICT developments; students' view on big data; and more.

OEB speaker Barbara Wasson

Barbara Wasson

University of Bergen, Centre for The Science of Learning and Technology (SLATE), Norway

OEB speaker Anh Tho Andres-Kammler

Anh Tho Andres-Kammler, Switzerland

OEB speaker Alan Tait

Alan Tait

Professor of Distance Education and Development, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Open University (OU), UK and Special Adviser at the ICDE, UK

OEB speaker Abdalla Uba Adamu

Abdalla Uba Adamu

Vice-Chancellor, National Open University of Nigeria, Nigeria

OEB speaker Mairead Nic Giolla-Mhichil

Mairead Nic Giolla-Mhichil

Senior Lecturer & Researcher, Dublin City University, Ireland

OEB speaker Snorre Qveim

Snorre Qveim

ICDE, Norway


OEB speaker Morten Flate Paulsen

Morten Flate Paulsen

International Council for Open and Distance Education - ICDE, Norway