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Panel Presentation CNT243

Teaching Skills and Competences for Tech-enabled Futures Starts at School: the New Digital Literacy Curriculum

Date Friday, Nov 29 Time   –   RoomCheck

Digital citizenship programmes, digital literacy courses, coding classes, Make Your Own Device, new-media creation, peer learning and more. This panel presents research and a variety of practical projects to help (young) students navigate a tech-enabled future. Join us in two sessions to hear about components of new curricula with a focus on real-world issues and the social-emotional skills learners need to thrive both online and off.

OEB speaker Helle Hovgaard Joergensen

Helle Hovgaard Joergensen

Lecturer, University College Lillebaelt (UCL), Denmark

Young Children’s Playful Media Literacy in the 21st Century

OEB speaker Daniel Devatman Hromada

Daniel Devatman Hromada

Juniorprofessor for Digital Education at ECDF, Einstein Center Digital Future and Berlin University of the Arts, Germany

"Make Your Own Device": When Digital Education Marries Reform Pedagogy

OEB speaker Kader Adjout

Kader Adjout

Beaver Country Day School, USA

Beyond Curriculum: Students as Designers of Their Learning Experience


OEB speaker Myron Cizdyn

Myron Cizdyn

President, eLearning Journeys, USA