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Spotlight Stage SPL65

We Are Engines - with Jef Staes

Date Friday, Dec 7 Time   –   RoomPotsdam III

The world switches from a flat 2D world to a chaotic 3D world. In this world of information luxury, change and disruption we must reinvent learning and working. We must embrace the power of our own human potential and become "Engines of Innovation". An "Engine of Innovation" has the power to set its own course in this turbulent world, has a fantastic learning power that harvests the ever-increasing mass of information and is able to use all kind of resources to bring his learnings into practice. After this session your mindset about personal development will be disrupted. You will understand the real meaning of passionate love for learning when you become addicted to your talents.

OEB speaker Jef Staes

Jef Staes

Innovation Architect, Red Monkey, Belgium