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Panel Presentation Session IMP65

Strategies for the Incorporation of Open Education

Date Friday, Dec 8 Time   –   RoomPotsdam 1

There are a wide range of open approaches and movements to “open up” education including OER and OEP, open access, open learning design, open technologies, open policies and more.
Is your institution committed to expand its reach? If you are looking to meet the needs of learners anytime, anywhere then there is no time like the present to share knowledge on OE implementation strategies.

OEB speaker Ada Pellert

Ada Pellert

Rektorin, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany

OEB speaker Larry Cooperman

Larry Cooperman

Associate Dean for Open Education, University of California, Irvine, USA

OEB speaker Myron Cizdyn

Myron Cizdyn

President, eLearning Journeys, Poland


OEB speaker Christian Friedrich

Christian Friedrich

Learning Designer, Leuphana Digital School, Germany