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Plenary D

Getting Ready for More Agency

Date Friday, Dec 8 Time   –   RoomPotsdam 1

Business, education and society all need to be ready for action in a new world. And being ready for action means being ready to adapt – quickly, fundamentally and often. How should a school, an institution or a learner change to keep pace with new technologies and economic turbulence? How will schools, colleges and universities redefine their “service delivery” for tomorrow’s “consumers” or “customers” of education? Are schools, colleges and universities agile enough? Is the flexibility of education more relevant to the needs of the future than the discipline of training? Are today’s education systems flexible enough? Do current policies offer adequate guidelines to implement change? Are today’s virtual platforms, physical establishments and educators ready to adapt for the demands of tomorrow? Join this panel for different views on how learning can and must change.

OEB speaker Lauren Herckis

Lauren Herckis

Anthropologist, Anthropologist Specialising in Faculty Culture and the Use of Technology at Carnegie Mellon University, USA

The Paces of Change

OEB speaker Andrew Keen

Andrew Keen

Executive Director, Author, Entrepreneur and Controversial Commentator on the Digital Revolution, USA

OEB speaker Sanjay Sarma

Sanjay Sarma

Vice President for Open Learning, Vice President for Open Learning at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

The New Age of Learning


OEB speaker Ada Pellert

Ada Pellert

Rektorin, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany