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Academic Session ACA18

How Less Face-to-Face Can Create Better Programmes – Two Stories from a Business School

Date Friday, Dec 2 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) is a research-based business school in The Netherlands with pre- and post-experience bachelor, master, MBA and short open programmes. The Part-time Master Business Administration (‘Bedrijfskunde’) has been around for 20 years. This part-time programme is targeted at experienced professionals around Rotterdam and attracts about 100 students annually. In 2013 we concluded that applicants were less and less inclined to travel and we decided to cut back on the time for face2face teaching, without lowering our standard or learning outcomes. The programme was one of the first in our school to use blended learning, it was the launching customer for the RSM Learning Innovation Team and is seen as an example for others to apply blended learning in pre-experience and other programmes.

One such programme is the Executive Master in Customs and Supply Chain Compliance, aimed at professionals in the customs domain. A main vision fueling the educational design was to create a blended community of learning: a program where globally dispersed professionals who face a challenging work-life balance can learn with and from each other to achieve a full Master degree in 2,5 years. Furthermore, the program provides a unique combination of the three main disciplines that are important for the current Custom profession: 1) Custom regulations; 2) Supply chain management; and 3) Information technology. We will discuss the approaches to teaching and incentives for faculty, the instructional design, student experiences and evaluations, and the impact on RSM’s blended learning strategy.

OEB speaker Klaas Wassens

Klaas Wassens

Executive Director, Erasmus University - Rotterdam School of Management, The Netherlands

OEB speaker Bas Giesbers

Bas Giesbers

Learning innovation consultant and researcher, Erasmus University - Rotterdam School of Management, The Netherlands


OEB speaker Ian Wigston

Ian Wigston

Co-founder, Bright Field Consulting, UK