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Networking Session NET01

Youth Employability and Inclusion: Platforms and Networks for Online Learning

Date Thursday, Dec 1 Time   –   RoomQueen

To support emerging communities, the exchange of knowledge and best practices, and to better interrelate activities, the European Commission typically creates platforms as a policy instrument. This networking session provides an excellent opportunity to discuss the landscape of some of the existing platforms in the areas of online learning, and youth employability and inclusion.

The facilitator invites you to bring your insights and target groups’ perspective to the table, and to support the development of your related network or community. Participants are invited to introduce their platforms, networks and communities and those will be implemented in a repository supported by the EU Commission.

This session is hosted by the EU Horizon2020 funded project “I-LINC” that is creating an over arching expert and stakeholder community in the thematic fields of ICT based learning, youth employability and inclusion. See:


OEB speaker Bastian Pelka

Bastian Pelka

Coordinator and Research Council, Technische Universität Dortmund - Sozialforschungsstelle, Germany