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Applied Practice SOL36

Edtech Solutions for All

Date Thursday, Dec 3 Time   –   RoomTegel

Harnessing the power of technology to provide new opportunities for learners, the professionals in this session are making waves in the international tech scene. Learn about their solutions and thinking.

OEB speaker Chris Kwekowe

Chris Kwekowe

CEO/MD, Slatecube, Nigeria

OEB speaker Norbert Morawetz

Norbert Morawetz

Founder & CEO, Henley Business School, UK

OEB speaker Stefan Havenstein

Stefan Havenstein

Mobile Learning Labs GmbH, Germany

OEB speaker Svein-Tore Griff With

Svein-Tore Griff With

Founder, H5P, Norway

OEB speaker Andrew Chaifetz

Andrew Chaifetz

Founder & CEO, NoteBowl, USA

OEB speaker David Guevara

David Guevara

Altus Forge GmbH, Switzerland

OEB speaker Jeroen Fransen

Jeroen Fransen

CEO, Revisely, The Netherlands


OEB speaker Harry McCarney

Harry McCarney

Tech Mentor and Managing Director, Tech Mentor and Managing Director at Hack&Craft, Germany