Applied Practice SOL06
Building a Gamified App Against Tribalism: The Birth of AfriONE
Date Thursday, Dec 3 Time – RoomChess
Meet the creators of the gamified app AfriONE - an app facing Africa’s tribalism tension in a gamified, community-based way. The app was born during a hackathon, a competitive workshop for programmers and tech-geeks that took place in May 2015 in Addis Ababa. The event was organised by the German Development Cooperation agency GIZ and was the first ’Gamification Hackathon for Social Good’ worldwide. The app creators will share experiences about tribalism, gamification and app development management. What are the problems caused by tribalism in Africa, how can gamification create alternative approaches to tackle these problems and what are the different roles in an app development team? Don’t miss this young, refreshing mixture!
Rapelanoro Rabenja Tovo Andrianina
AfriOne Winner, Madagascar
Tovo is a 32 years old malagasy artist, social entrepreneur, game narrative designer, and also the C.E.O of "Kolotsaina Mainty" a music label since 2007. He is a member of the AfriOne team, the creators of the gamified app AfriONE - an app facing Africas tribalism tension in a gamified, community-based way. He's also a voluntary teacher at the University of Ankatso Antananarivo Madagascar, teaching "New technology - Entertainment and stakes of development".
Mukenge Kim Chulu Amina
AfriOne Winner, South Africa
Entrepreneur, knowledge sharer, consultant and technologist. Kim has a background in Multimedia and Graphic design with a passion for interactivity and game development for educational purpose or entertainment.
Won 2 NASA local App challenge in 2014 and 2015. People'c choice award and was top 20 Finalist worldwide in 2014.
Winner of the GIZ gamificaton for social good hackathon in 2015
Finalist at the MTN business app of the year 2015 in South Africa with an app that promote community reporting, a citizen journalism platform called Voonja.
I enjoy discussing about technology and the possibilities of always not having boundaries when developing an idea.
I do run the Unity 3D Africa User Group allowing communication between unity and their community in Africa.
Philipp Busch
GIZ, Germany
My name is Philipp Busch and I am a Project Manager working at GIZ's divison Global Knowledge Sharing & Learning at Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ) - German Development Cooperation in Bonn. My work comprises different areas, mainly in the field of E-Learning and Gamification, in which i am writing my phD in Germany. My Master Thesis dealt with the subject of E-Learning and Change Management.
Apart from work i love traveling and sailing..
Seynabou Fachinger
Project Manager, GIZ, Germany
My name is Seynabou Fachinger and I am a Project Manager working at GIZ's divison Digital Learning and Virtual Collaboration at Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ) - German Development Cooperation in Bonn. My area of responsibility lies within the field of eLearning for Capacity Development and Learning with New Media mostly in the whole African region. Furthermore, my work comprises different areas, e.g. supporting and enabling educational institutions and/or individuals on how to build own e-Learning capacities, delivering and implementing courses and trainings (eLearning/Blended Learning/mLearning, MOOCs etc.) on different subjects (e.g. health, education, financial literacy), setting up and supporting Communities of Practice and networks for a diverse mix of cultures and communities, in various African countries.
Apart from working in that very interesting and broad field, I have a passion for languages...