Learning Café
The Trend is Your Friend
Date Friday, Nov 29 Time – RoomPotsdam III
Celebrate the conclusion of OEB24 and prepare for your learning futures; Hindsight, insight, foresight…and what just happened? In this collaborative workshop, you’ll look back over 30 years of learning technologies’ influence and then look ahead. Together with colleagues and friends (new and old), you will reflect, discuss, consolidate insights and plan for what comes next in the evolving world of learning.

Gilly Salmon
CEO, Education Alchemists. Ltd, United Kingdom
Professor Salmon is the founder and CEO of Education Alchemists Ltd - formed around her life's work including Carpe Diem learning design, pedagogical transformation, online education, technology-enhanced teaching, the 5 stage model, e-tivities, and Education 4.0. Until recently Professor of Learning Transformation and pro-vice-chancellor at universities in the UK and Australia, she is now based in London with all workshops offered fully digitally and worldwide. She is a well-known keynote speaker and workshop leader. Her books E-moderating and E-tivities are considered seminal texts

Wilfred Rubens
Consultant, Edublogger and Editor at e-learning.nl, WilfredRubens.com/e-learning.nl, Netherlands
Wilfred Rubens (1964) currently works as an independent consultant on technology enhanced learning. Wilfred works as a project leader on the selection and implementation of learning technologies. He provides advice about curriculum development, pedagogy and the use of technology for learning. Wilfred delivers keynotes and presentations, and he facilitates workshops and classes about technology enhanced learning. Wilfred has been professionally involved in e-learning for almost 30 years. For more than 18 years he blogs about ICT and learning. He published a book about elearning trends and developments (in Dutch), and he is co-author of a book about social learning. Wilfred is also one of the editors of the Dutch portal e-learning.nl, member of the advisory board of the anual Dutch Next Learning conference and member of the advisory board of OEB Global.

Herman van der Merwe
Deputy Dean: Teaching & Learning, North-West University, South Africa
Prof Herman calls himself a “recycled Geneticist”, but his previous Vice-Chancellor renamed him “e-Man” to capture his fascination for the use and management of technology in education!
Currently Deputy Dean of the Faculty Economic and Management Sciences, responsible for Teaching and Learning and the CEO of an expert centre called CUTE (Centre for the Utilisation of Technology in Education).
A CoP in innovative teaching and learning with technology (iTLT) support his research initiatives in a creative environment.
In 2015 the University recognised his contribution to innovation with an “Innovation Evangelist” award.
“As a teacher, researcher, policy advocate, manager and leader, he is a visionary leader whose fascination with technology has been informed by his commitment to serving the highest ideals of people and education.” Prof Reggie Ncobo

Rod Angood
Managing & Visual Director, Education Alchemists Ltd, United Kingdom
Rod Angood, BA, MBA. is MD & Principal Visioning Director at Educational Alchemists (UK). Previously he held senior roles as Executive Director of Information Technology & Information Systems at two UK universities. His first career was as a Royal Naval Officer in the Submarine Service. He brings extensive experience of leadership development, strategy & organisation.
Rod is now an established Graphic Artist providing ‘Artist in Residence’ services to Carpe Diem & Futuring workshops, supporting keynote speeches with real time artistic images,and educators with pictures & diagrams that explore concepts, ideas & models.