Jan Foelsing
Academic Employee / Learning and NewWork Designer, Hochschule Pforzheim, Germany
Jan Foelsing is a Learning and NewWork Designer.
At the moment he works in part-time at the University of Pforzheim where he researches modern learning methods in combination with using social collaboration software as digital learning support tools.
Further he works as a freelancer and speaker in the area of corporate learning, social collaboration and digital working/learning tools. He although worked in a Startup Incubator and is now a startup himself to develop a modern (collaborative) learning eco system.
Before focusing on organizational and learning development he worked for several years as a SAP CRM consultant manly in the finance and automotive sector.
His purpose behind the projects he is doing is to create better learning environments which combine learning with innovation to foster value-creation oriented learning.
Learning can and should be challenging and fun at the same time.
His passion is to actively explore and shape our modern working and learning environments.
Learning by Doing and Leading by Example.