Heidi Steegen
Director, Guldensporencollege, Belgium
As a headmaster of a secondary school, Heidi takes a strong interest in improving learning skills, learning in (international) context, education innovation and languages.
Her school, Guldensporencollege Kaai in Kortrijk, takes a strong interest in innovation. E.g. It was one of the first schools in Belgium to experiment with Content and Language Integrated Learning (2007-2011) and it is currently implementing CLIL French and CLIL English throughout the school. The school has recently started a pilot project in 5th year which combines CLIL with MOOCS in French or English. Its aim is to improve language skills and lifelong learning skills at the same time.
Up to 2012, Heidi was a teacher of English and Dutch at the same school. She was part of the CLIL pilot team and was involved in several Comenius exchange programmes within Europe.
Heidi holds a master’s degree in English and Dutch.