Alexander Zumdieck
Deutscher Bundestag, Future of Work at the Unionsfraktion, Germany
Dr. Alexander Zumdieck runs the think tank on the future of work for the Union-faction in the German parliament (Bundestag). After completing his PhD in theoretical, biological physics, he joined McKinsey in its business technolog office and served clients in Europe, North America, Africa and the Middle East out of Berlin, New York and. Dubai.
In 2012 he left McKinsey to co-found payleven, a startup in the mobile payment space, active in 10 European countries and Brazil. He is fascinated by innovating the way especially large organizations work and has helped e.g., the fashion retailer Zalando (in pricing) and the wholesaler Metro (in innovating with startups).
In 2018 he joined the Bundestag to direct the think tank on the future of work by CDU/CSU. As continuing education is a central piece in the puzzle on how we deal with thee challenges presented by digitization and demografics, one central question tackled has been, how to organize continuing education for a whole country?
The think tank has proposed a concept called MILLA - modular interactive life-ling learnig for all, that is currently discussed in the political process.