Kjetil Brathetland
Senior Advisor, Hordaland County Administration, Norway
Kjetil Brathetland is employed as a Special Advisor for Hordaland County Administration, Norway. He has been working on different projects for the Department of Education at the County Admininstration for the last 10 years, all aiming to develop digital literacy/ competencies in upper secondary schools in Hordaland. He has previously been working for two university conference secretariats and as a teacher in upper secondary schools. Kjetil has his education from the University of Bergen, Norway, with a major in history.
He is currently working on: The Best Practice Conference (Dei gode Døma), projects concerning eTeachers and Pedagogics, school leaders and ICT-plans.
Kjetil held a lecture at EDUCA in 2010 called “Enterprise Learning in Hordaland County, Norway – A Broad ICT for Learning Approach and It’s Effects”.