Barbara Wasson
Professor and Director at the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology, UNIVERSITY OF BERGEN, Norway
Barbara Wasson is the Director of the Centre for The Science of Learning and Technology (SLATE) at the University of Bergen, where she is a full Professor in the Department of Information Science & Media Studies.
She has been involved in research on Technology Enhanced Learning since 1983 and has over 150 publications in the field. At SLATE she currenly is involved in several projects using machine learning and learning analytics and other modelling aspects of AI.
Wasson was one of the founders of Kaleidoscope, a European Network of Excellence on Technology Enhanced Learning, a European Network of Excellence in Technology Enhanced Learning and she is often used as an expert evaluator by the European Commission.
Her current research interests include collaborative learning in distributed settings, mobile learning, interaction design, computer support for collaborative learning (CSCL), mobile learning, learning games, intelligent tutoring systems, e-assessment, teacher inquiry, learning analytics, and pedagogical agents.