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What do we want? Web literacy, now!

Mozilla's Open Badges Is the web of the future a weird and wild place, chaotic and slightly frightening; or is it a happier place where strangers collaborate to teach and learn from one another? A bit of bo... Read More
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What’s the media got to do with education?

When I decided to register for the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2014, I did so with slight apprehension. The theme, “From Information to Participation: Challenges for the Media”, sounded interesting – espe... Read More
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Student tip: E-learning Tool of the Month

This month we introduce you to the first edition of the OEB News Portal Tool of the Month – each month we will highlight an e-learning tool worthy of attention. What better way to kick things off than to hear first-hand from a high school student about the onl... Read More
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Searching for the next forward-thinkers

In the spirit of sharing views and ideas we ask you to ponder the question: Are we lost in a digital wonderland? If this conjures up ideas of ways to wade through the global knowledge society then this year’s G... Read More