Around the World returns with a selection of five top education stories from the last week – and one more frivolous offering. Whether in e-learning, e-health, e-government or e-anything else, new initiatives are launched all the time, all over the world. ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN reflects this dynamic variety and brings together innovators from every continent. Read on to discover the latest ideas and projects in technology-enabled learning, from the man filming farms in India to the Scottish women getting their apples online…
INDIA: the subcontinent’s tech sector is booming, with the e-learning industry alone set to be worth $1.29bn by 2018. Meet five of India’s digital pioneers here (BBC)
UK: Kevin Spacey’s views on the convergence of filmed media formats could be applied equally well to e-learning (TRAINING ZONE)
USA: last week marked the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech. ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN speaker Ignatia de Waard has published an interesting piece about it on her education blog (@IGNATIA WEBS)
MALAWI: ICT helps nurses overcome the prohibitive costs and lengthy processes of renewing their licences (ITU)
MEXICO: of all OECD countries, only New Zealand spends a greater share of its budget on education than Mexico – yet this spending does not seem to have an effect on quality. Now the Senate has voted for sweeping reforms to reduce the power of teachers’ unions (DAILY AMERICAN)
and in other news…
SCOTLAND: scrumping goes online: a network in the Forth Valley is linking orchard owners and apple-lovers (FALKIRK HERALD)
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