Smart Learning at Innovation Arabia 8: Designing Essential Learning Tools for the Knowledge-based Workforce

Digital Learn Knowledge Education ConceptsAt Innovation Arabia 8, scholars and researchers will join entrepreneurs and managers to discuss how the use of better design and new technology can improve learning and provide essential skills for the workforce of the future.


The theme of Innovation Arabia 8’s ‘smart learning’ track will be ‘Instructional Design and Technologies Towards Smart Learning’ and it will highlight the power of smart learning design and technologies.


Smart learning involves the use of a variety of different tools, methods and applications, including online courses, blended or hybrid learning and digital content. It creates exciting new learning opportunities for both teachers and students, whilst also boosting institutions’ effectiveness and productivity.


Innovation Arabia 8 will examine the global experience of smart learning in the twenty-first century, focusing on both the latest theories and best practices.


Prof Nabil Baydoun, Assistant Chancellor for Enterprise and University Advancement at the Hamdan Bin Mohamed Smart University said:


“Participants will receive and discuss research results from scholars in the field; listen to the experience of professionals from around the world; analyse the effect of theories in practice; and consider emerging challenges and potential solutions.


One of the ills of institutionalized learning is that students are often devoid of smart learning competencies because of an over-emphasis on content or the use of standardized assessments, together with a general ignorance about the impact of instructional design strategies in technology driven environments.


Modern Smart learning skills include teamwork, communication and creativity and have as their corollaries innovation, evaluation and analysis, challenging the learner, promoting active participation, argumentation, problem-solving, conducting investigations and tackling subject matter that is complex. All of the above are accepted as major instructional goals of education and are regarded as a motivating force behind efforts to reform education in the twenty-first century.


Technology is an ever-increasing component of our global society and is becoming ubiquitous in educational institutions worldwide as a great teaching and learning resource. We need to transform teaching methodologies – as technology is a major ingredient in the lives of youth all over the world.


The information-based economy of the 21st century demands that employees think deeply about issues, solve problems creatively, work in teams, communicate clearly in many media, learn ever-changing technologies and deal with a flood of information. The rapid changes in our world require graduates and employees to be flexible, to take the initiative and lead when necessary and to produce something new and useful. Innovation, creativity, problem-solving and critical thinking are essential skills for a workforce in a knowledge-based society.”


All sessions in Innovation Arabia 8’s smart learning track are designed to be interactive and to focus on the development of new solutions, giving participants the maximum opportunity to benefit.

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