Are you a Homo Competens?

How does he manage all this? Bert de Coutere is not only responsible for the development of comprehensive e-learning games and applications; he also regularly attends and contributes to interna... Read More

Good Fuel for a Hot Debate

What a spectacle! The ONLINE EDUCA Debate was the setting for a clash between two intransigent and unapologetic opponents when the biologist-cum-psychologist, Dr Aric Sigman, went head to head with the unswervi... Read More

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

The philosophy at the Institute for Work Based Learning (IWBL) at the Middlesex University is not ’What can you do for us?’, but rather ‘What can we do for you?’ The Institute offers a myriad of highly cust... Read More

Bringing Language Learning to Life

ACS International Schools serve international and local communities from three sites in Greater London: Cobham, Egham and Hillingdon. The schools are co-educational and offer day and boarding e... Read More