Training Figures That Speak for Themselves

Kenny Henderson How can one reduce induction time and substantially lower attrition rates for new recruits? Home entertainment giant Sky found answers to these questions in its new e-learning programme "Get... Read More

E-Learning with a Kick

Sports play a crucial social role in the integration of young people into society, and now they are increasingly being used as an incentive to increase motivation for learning and training. At OEB, five fascina... Read More

E-Learning in France is à la mode

© fotolia - shocky France is a country known for its savoir-vivre, cuisine and couture – but what about e-learning and related IT innovations? At the “French Pavilion” and in a session dedicated to French e... Read More

ePortfolios for Health Professionals

In 2005, NHS Education for Scotland (NES) piloted a bespoke ePortfolio to support the training of 410 of the country’s junior doctors. Following its successful introduction, the system has rapidly grown and now... Read More