Tweets of the Week- 12th-16th Nov

This week, our links will focus on differing concerns people have that are related to the technological progress that is happening in global education. Some are concerned about how it will affect and detract from “real-life” education that is gained through physically attending classes. Meanwhile, others are more convinced of the benefits of using new technology to further education, and are concerned with how to spread these advances in the developing world.


Firstly, we have a few links discussing the worries some people have about online learning and e-learning disrupting education:-          4 Ways to ease fears about e-learning:–          An article from the Guardian raising questions about how universities are reacting to the rise of MOOCs:–          A piece arguing that online learning can actually make a degree more valuable:, a couple of features on the introduction of low cost tablets in lower income countries to ensure that the technological advances in education are available to everyone.-          The launch of a $21 tablet in India:


–          One Tablet Per Child:


And finally, an interview with Mike Trucano, one of the keynote speakers at OEB 2012, who reminds us that in order to ensure that the progress of technology in education is useful, we need to focus on the content, not the container.


–          Interview:


Have you come across any remarkable or tweetable news about the state of ICT-enhanced education in your country or elsewhere? Share your thoughts with the OEB community on any or all of the following platforms: 


–          The ONLINE EDUC
–          The ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN LinkedIn groupA BERLIN Facebook page:


–          ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN on Twitter: @OEBConference (#OEB12)


And of course, you can fill in the comment box below.


We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

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